Brother CM550DX ScanNCut home and hobby cutting machine with built in scanner (Paper and Fabric).
Meet ScannCut, the World's First Home and Hobby Cutting Machine with a Built-in Scanner! The secret to ScanNCut's amazing versatility lies in the 300 DPI built-in scanner, allowing you to take your scanned images, photos or hand drawn sketches and turn them into unique cutting designs, without the need or expense of a computer, software, or pricey cartridges.
- Background Scan - See your scanned image on the large color LCD touch screen, open your cut design, and use the stylus to simply move the design to the desired area for a perfect cut without measuring or using a computer.
- Welding - Use the welding feature to combine shapes, hand drawings, fonts, and more directly on-screen. Combine detailed or intricate cuts in seconds to simply group designs in one piece prior to cutting.
- Space Saving Auto-layout Capabilities - Get the maximum use out of your material - even the smallest scraps can be utilized!
- Scan to USB - Scan virtually anything into your machine to be saved as a cut file. You can also use ScanNCut to scan important documents, files, artwork, photographs, and more - then save to your USB for future use without the need for a clunky, stand-alone scanner. USB not included.
- On-screen Editing - Every editing function can be done right on your LCD touch screen. This includes customizing designs by resizing them, changing shape or position, using only part of a design, welding designs, rotating designs, and more.
- Seam Allowance and Sewing Guidelines - ScanNCut gives you the ability to add a seam allowance in 1/4" increments to assist you in piecing together fabric for quilts, clothing, and more.
- Large Scanning and Cutting Area - Use the included 12" x 12" cutting mat, or the 12" x 24" cutting mat (available for additional purchase) to easily create and cut a wide variety of designs of all sizes.