Chain Stitch and Coverseam The CV3550 Double-Sided Cover Stitch allows you to create a wide range of cover stitches on all types and weights of fabric for both decorative and constructive applications. It features both single-sided and double-sided tri-cover stitches, wide cover stitches, narrow cover stitches as well as a chain stitch. Additional points include a free arm, LED light, thread cutter, color coded threading, easy looper and cover spreader threading, a presser foot pressure dial, and snap on feet. The adjustment dials for stitch length and differential feed are now conveniently located on the right-hand side. With 3 needles, one lower looper, and one cover spreader, the CV3550 creates not only professional hems, and chain stitching, but allows you to add double-sided cover stitching to your projects for a special one step finish previously unavailable!
- Hardware Type Mechanical (Electric)
- Lighting LED
- Standard Presser Feet Yes
- MAX Sewing Speed 1000 spm
- Stitch Width 3.0 - 6.0mm
- Stitch Length 2.0 -4.0mm
- Differential Feed Yes
- Free Arm Yes
- Foot Controller Yes
- Presser Foot Pressure Adjustment Yes
- Thread Tension Manual
- Thread capacity 2, 3, 4 or 5 thread
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